Introduction to the Class:
Design a Visual Product
Class Presentation Slideshow

The class will start off with a concrete experience that asks the students to speculate what the class is going to be like. Provide them with the task and the final practical exercise (i.e., formative assessment for their work), break them into small groups, and ask them to provide either what they think will happen or what they would like to have happen along the way. Publish and Process Questions What did you like about this activity? What part of the Activity was hardest to do? What skil

Ask the student to describe the image on the title slide. After fostering some conversation, tell them while visual product production via large language models is new there are lessons and principles from the past that that are absolutely necessary to be successful in this task.

The class will start off with a concrete experience that asks the students to speculate what the class is going to be like. Provide them with the task and the final practical exercise (i.e., formative assessment for their work), break them into small groups, and ask them to provide either what they think will happen or what they would like to have happen along the way. Publish and Process Questions What did you like about this activity? What part of the Activity was hardest to do? What skil
Practical Exercises for Design a Visual Product Using an LLM
LSA 1& 2-Practical Exercise
In small groups, create a mind map that describe and distinguishes AI categories, functions, and categories at Conceptboard.
LSA 3-Practical Exercise
In your small groups, create metaphors for each of the text modifiers for LLMs at Conceptboard. Use the Gallery to the
right for Conceptboard "how to."
LSA 4-Practical Exercise
Individually, create a recruiting
campaign poster at Canva for
either the Rebels or the
Empire from Star Wars. Use the
gallery to the right for instructions
Final Practical Exercise
As a group, first use Conceptboard
to identify key target audience
considerations and then use
Midjourney to design your

Navigate to

Use options in the left column to include "insert icon," "web images," and "insert widget."

Navigate to Canva

Rubrics for All Assessments